Do we often see only a mere shadow of ourselves, wish we were more than what we think we reflect, wonder how others perceive us? Yes! Too often I wish to hide the me that feels, cries, rants with rage, laughs hysterically. But, I don’t want to show that vulnerable side of myself. Because? I can be hurt. You can be hurt. So, I stuff the emotion and present a stronger, I’ve got it together, side of me - rather than be honest.

After many years of swallowing my grief over the loss of a loved one, I found that I had become a mere shadow - and - I felt nothing except - alone.

I was numb.

As an author, I found that my characters lacked depth.

Somehow, I had to get back in touch with the raw and gritty humanity of life, the heart-wrenching grief, the bloody mess of day to day living, the heart bloom of love, the uplift of joy.

I had to cry, tremble, scream, smile until my face cracked, let others in, touch, - be myself - release, allow, breathe, reach.

I didn’t do it alone. The most gargantuan task I had was to ask for help. Thankfully, I wanted to. With racing heart, sweaty palms, and quivering words, I went back to the beginning, and page by page, told the story of a love I’d lost, the guilt I felt, my part. I was held, softly encouraged, comforted, guided.

“You are worthy of the kindness and compassion that you give to others. - TWLOHA

“The magic of the universe is within you. You are made up of stars.” @alyseruriani

I am transformed. See me shine!

Cindy Foley